team feedback program
The founders of Dionysius Transport Services (DTS) Lyn and Beven Dionysius have been in operation since 1980. They pride themselves on their achievements, beginning as a one-man delivery business in Brisbane. They both have demonstrated hard work leads to success. They understand that business is about building sustainable relationships and going to lengths for their valued clients. They display their work ethics and passion to their valued team of workers which in result has allowed them to grow into a much larger business today.
The business operation is able transport freight in and around the South-East Queensland areas, with regular deliveries to Central, North and Western Queensland and beyond the southern border to Northern New South Wales.
The DTS team are proud of our integrity, credibility and quality of service among our clients and the broader transport industry. Whether your needs are large or small, we are confident that with our sea and air freight experience, expertise and commitment to quality, we can successfully service your business with the right transport solutions.

40 years
in business
A family owned business built on quality service
our history
In the 1970's Beven and Lyn moved to Brisbane from their small country towns of Wondai and Murgon in Queenslands South Burnett Region.
Lyn was from a family of 10, she was the oldest girl of 7 siblings. Her father was a hardworking man who worked on the Councils of many Queensland regions throughout his life.
Late in her childhood the family settled in Wondai where her father was the Head of Council Roads and the home keeper for the Council house and work sheds.
Beven was born and raised in Murgon, which is a 15 minute drive from Wondai. Beven grew up on a dairy farm, where he learnt early on to milk and feed cows, plus planting and harvesting onions and potatoes.
Beven’s parents owned the local fruit shop. From a very early age Beven road shotgun to his father on a weekly drive in the body truck to the Brisbane Fruit Markets to collect fresh produce to be sold in their Murgon fruit shop. At the age of 13 Beven was behind the wheel of a truck learning the traits of his father’s business and driving skills.

At the age of 17 Beven left his family home and enrolled in the Australian Army. After 2 years of service Beven was called upon to return home and foster the family farm and fruit shop.
It was in the years of his return where he met Lyn Holznagel (Dionysius). They married in the Wondai town church and then moved to the big smoke of Brisbane.
Beven secured a truck driving job and Lyn worked for a large electronics firm in Brisbane city. Years later they fell pregnant with their first child Craig and in the same year of 1980 they took an opportunity to purchase their first truck and business operation in Port Logistics.
Beven worked hard at building the business, whilst Lyn was busy nursing their first born. In 1983, they fell pregnant with their first daughter Karlee, then in 1987 their second son Ashley and finally in 1990 a baby boy Shaun.

The very same year they purchased a block of land and built their first home. Now with four children, Lyn as a stay at home mother, and Beven a one-man band servicing the Port of Brisbane, both working hard to make ends meet. This was now the life of Beven and Lyn Dionysius.
The children grew up with different types of trucks and were always keen to be involved, whether it be helping service or washing the trucks at their Heritage Park home on the weekends. This was a special time spent with their Dad because of his long work hours. On School Holidays it was a must to ride along shotgun with Beven. Lyn always had their packed lunch ready to go in the esky.
There were long trips down to Coffs Harbour, past the Big Banana and breakfasts at Truck Stops or trips up the Queensland coast passing the Ettamogah Pub and the Big Pineapple. The kids couldn't get enough of driving in the trucks with their Dad. They were there first hand to help whenever they could.

The children all took turns where possible to spend time with their Dad in his truck. They all remember the first hard-wired mobile telephone in the truck, where he was now able to make phone calls in the cabin rather than having to stop at pay phones when his pager buzzed.
They remember collecting shipping documents from different Custom Brokers in Fortitude Valley area and driving Beven crazy whilst they waited hours on end in the truck at the Ports to collect the containers.
As the years moved on, their eldest child Craig was now able to drive. Lyn and Beven purchased a Ute for Craig to drive to help service their clients who required smaller LCL freight moved. The company started to build and it was time to expand on their one truck and Ute. At this point in time additional vehicles were purchased along new employees to continue servicing the Port industry.
They were now operating out of a small yard in Lindum and business was prospering. After a few years the business expanded further and it was time to move to a larger yard in Hemmant to handle the workloads. By the year 2000 the business was now growing rapidly and the purchase of Prime Movers and Side Loaders changed the game for the company. Again, it was time to move to a larger yard on Lytton Rd in Hemmant. At this point in time Craig was now driving Heavy Vehicles, Karlee and Ashley were involved in the company operations.

On just another normal work day in 2007, Karlee had received news from her GP that a biopsy taken from a suspicious lump on her neck identified that she had Stage IV Advanced Melanoma. This was devastating news for Karlee and the family. Karlee was able to fight the disease over four and a half years after her Oncologist had given her a prognosis of three months. She was an inspiration to many people and had a ‘never give up’ attitude. Sadly it became too much for her in the end.
Karlee will always will be missed by everyone she had come in contact with.
During Karlee's cancer journey the company had moved into a new premise on Aquarium Avenue in Hemmant. This is where the business moved into Warehousing and an Approved Quarantine Facility. The company now had 30 staff, a fleet of 15 vehicles, a Mechanical Workshop and a 3000 sqm Warehouse.

Over the years the business continued expanding and in 2013 a decision was made to move once again into a larger facility, which is where Dionysius Transport is situated today. The depot is 20,000 sqm in size, with a 5000 sqm Warehouse, a Mechanical Workshop, 100 ton rated concrete for storage of containers and vehicles, 20 vehicles, 11 side loaders, 30 trailers, 8 Forklifts and 50 staff, operating 24 hours a day. The youngest son Shaun took on a role in the transport operations room, Craig continued to drive trucks, whilst Ashley took some time away from the family business to work in the Not for Profit Skin Cancer and Melanoma space.
From the beginning in 1980 to where the company is now and what it has achieved in this time is remarkable to say the least. It has been a true story of the Aussie battler and the Aussie spirit.