They say, if you can survive a decade within your own business, it is an achievement. For Lynette and Beven Dionysius they have survived 4 decades, with no secrets to their success.
In their early 20's they packed up and moved from their small towns in the South Burnett region of Queensland to the big city smoke of Brisbane. They have shown that hard work, dedication and learning from failure will provide a sustainable and successful business.
When they started with 1 vehicle and now to the operation of today, it would have been a dream that they could only have ever imagined. The year of 2020 will mark the celebration of 40 years in business for Dionysius Transport Services and we will be soaking up the remarkable achievement. Sharing the celebration with our customers, suppliers and staff, as we all know without the support from clients and suppliers, the effort and commitment from our staff, this would never have been a success story for Lynette and Beven.
Congratulations Lynette and Beven on your remarkable achievement to date!
